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加州蒙特利尔水族馆1日游攻略Day Trip to Monterey Bay Aquarium

Day Trip to Monterey Bay Aquarium
Day Trip to Monterey Bay Aquarium加州蒙特利尔水族馆一日游

买票(Day Trip to Monterey Bay Aquarium | Buying Ticket)


A day trip to Monterey Bay Aquarium. The adult ticket is $60 each, but if you purchase it on Taobao, it’s 54 RMB per ticket. The tickets will be issued the day before the visit, and you’ll receive a QR code. Just scan it when entering. Since we went on the weekend, there was a long queue. Once inside, the staff will provide you with a map, which helps you navigate and find your way around. Getting the ticket for 54 RMB each was the most cost-effective expense for my trip this time.

园区吃饭(Dining in the Aquarium)

因为园区比较大,有室内和室外两个部分组成,其实还是能逛蛮久的。食物饮料是不允许带入的。所以空着手进去,或者带个相机进去就可以。逛了一会就累了,你可以通过手里的地图找到Cafe Area餐饮区。个人觉得园区里的饭还是挺好的呢,量大管饱,我们点了两份主食(三文鱼三明治+肉末土豆+芒果汁),一共花了60多刀。我是觉得有点贵啦,物价大概比平时在外面吃贵了一倍。但是份量和质量还行,就是纯美式的那种量大管饱。

As the aquarium is quite large, consisting of both indoor and outdoor sections, you can spend a considerable amount of time exploring. Outside food and drinks are not allowed, so you can enter empty-handed or with just a camera. If you get tired after a while, you can locate the Cafe Area dining area using the map. Personally, I found the food in the aquarium quite good – generous portions and satisfying. We ordered two main courses (salmon sandwich + minced meat potatoes + mango juice), and it cost a little over $60. I thought it might be a bit expensive, but the quantity and quality were decent, following the typical American style of hearty portions.


Open Sea必去,里面有好多好漂亮的水母,特别的治愈。

The video I recorded for the jellyfish







A must-visit is the Open Sea, where you’ll find many incredibly beautiful jellyfish, creating a particularly soothing atmosphere.

Check out the Otter area where one lazy otter is leisurely rubbing its belly – incredibly adorable.

There are numerous caves perfect for kids to explore, along with opportunities to touch marine life. Needless to say, the kids had a blast.

There’s a glass enclosure where it ‘rains’ inside – you sit in there, and water sprays from outside the glass at scheduled intervals.

While it’s entertaining, compared to my previous experience in Okinawa, Japan, it falls a bit short. I remember seeing many giant fish there, providing a visually stunning experience.

At the Monterey Bay Aquarium, you’ll encounter lots of kelp and smaller fish species, offering a different but interesting experience.

纪念品商店 (Gift Shop)



因为那个价格真的就是两倍起跳。一个冰箱贴,我觉得9.99刀就已经是坐地起价了,不,它卖29.99刀。一个杯子,我以为它卖个29.99刀就差不多了,一看标签,59.99刀,Made in china,一个字,就是“牛”!


As a day trip to Monterey Bay Aquarium, I visit the tourist attraction, I make it a point to buy souvenirs as a token of my presence. However, upon entering the gift shop at the Monterey Bay Aquarium and seeing the prices, it seems starting at twice the usual rate. A fridge magnet, which I thought would be around $9.99, was actually priced at $29.99. And a simple cup, which I assumed would be about $29.99, turned out to be $59.99.


A day trip to Monterey Bay Aquarium





售货员小哥还很贴心的问我:“Only one?”意思上别人都最少买两根以上,一根才那么点,你确定吃得饱?


结果吃完一根,啊啊啊啊。。好好吃好好吃好好吃哦,比Eataly好吃好多倍,关键是外面的酥皮很脆很香,里面的奶油一点都不甜呢!一口下去,就是天堂,再配一口咖啡,啊,这就是意大利的午后时光了!难怪教父说“Leave the gun, take the cannoli.”

Cannoli is amazing!

Monterey饮食(Monterey Dining)


那么比较有名的是Old Fishermen’s Grotto,这家最好中午去,因为能欣赏到海景。我们之前在景区已经吃过了午饭,所以重新挑选了一家,去了“Phil’s Fish Market & Eatary”.这家谷歌评分比较高,口碑也好。实际去吃的话我们觉得分量其实比较大,最推荐的是Cioppino番茄海鲜汤,量大实在。其他我点了海鲜意面和taco,分量都很大很足,但是在我这里拿不了高分。另外让我比较郁闷的一点是他们家的饮料区不自助。。一定要有个服务员在那里给你加饮料。于是就出现了下面这段搞笑场景。



然后说:“One Lemonade and one water”.


我只能重复一遍“a cup of water”






但我也不好多说什么,因为这家店是老公挑的。我本来想尝一下离酒店更近的Monterey’s Fish House或Montrio的,但是老公一看谷歌评价,觉得phil’s的人气和评价更高,硬是高速开了半小时才来了这家破店,就为了卡点在它结束营业前到达。

With a bit of planning, you can discover many dining options, but I ended up trying just one and packing so much that we had plenty of leftovers the next day.

One notable spot is the Old Fishermen’s Grotto, best visited around noon for the sea view. Since we already had lunch in the aquarium, we opted for ‘Phil’s Fish Market & Eatary.’ It had high Google ratings and good reviews. The portions were generous, especially the highly recommended Cioppino, a hearty tomato seafood soup. I also ordered seafood linguine and tacos, both sizable, but they didn’t impress me much. One annoying aspect was their non-self-serve beverage area; you had to wait for a server. This led to a comical situation.


I wanted lemonade, and my husband just wanted iced water. I took two cups to the server and said, ‘One Lemonade and one water.’ She handed me only one cup of lemonade, smiling cluelessly. I had to repeat, ‘A cup of water.’ Then, she suddenly realized and poured me a cup of iced water.

As I started sipping the lemonade, I was shocked. I had never tasted such diluted lemonade – it was like drinking water with a hint of lemon, making me frown!

After pondering, I figured out that the server had mixed two-thirds ice, half a cup of tap water, and half a cup of lemonade in that one cup. That’s how they managed to serve an incredibly diluted and unpleasant lemonade.

My husband noticed my expression and asked why I wasn’t enjoying it. After he took a sip of this ‘special’ lemonade, he nearly spit it out.

I didn’t say much since this was his choice. I had wanted to try Monterey’s Fish House or Montrio, which were closer to the hotel. Still, based on Google reviews, my husband insisted on Phil’s, driving at high speed for half an hour just to arrive before they closed.


信用卡积分换了一晚上的InterContinental the Clement Monterey,优点是就在水族馆边上,而且是比较高级的酒店,缺点是房间很老,家具很旧,电视机的投影功能是坏的。。当然也可能是因为我们没有加小费升级房子。但就是这么个房间,网上搜,正常住要300刀一晚。这个酒店旁边停车场的价位是60刀一天,如果有住宿凭证的话,是免费停车的。但是呢,晚上还挺难找到车位的。所以我一想到开个车出去那么远的地方吃饭回来还找不到地方停车,就更闹心了。。但是呢,人一定要及时调整好自己的心情。尤其是出来玩,开开心心最重要了!旅馆里面很多大人带着小孩出来一起玩的,除了水族馆,稍微远一点的地方还有沙滩,酒店里面有健身房,spa,还有bar。小孩子一玩水就乐疯了。热汤池里都是小孩子的欢声笑语。

最后一个tips (Final Tip)


Since discovering the inflated prices inside the aquarium, I wondered if there was a way to sneak out midway, grab a meal outside, and then return to continue exploring. If you have the same thought, it’s actually possible. You can find a stamping station at the exit of the aquarium. Once your hand is stamped, the sensor lights can recognize it, and you’re allowed to re-enter on the same day.












Bilibili: diunralnocturnal



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